“众志成城 共克时艰”——VOTE投票支持你最喜爱的抗击疫情艺术作品
更新时间:2022-05-26 10:01:09 浏览量: 复制链接
During the current epidemic, the city has resumed online learning to protect the school community. Hongwen students are mindful of society and love every life. Maybe we can’t fight in the front lines to provide supplies and services to our fellow citizens like our brave healthcare workers and volunteers, but we are grateful to them, stand by them, and will continue the fight to protect our beloved homeland!
宏文的学子们用自己的方式发挥美术学科视觉语言的传播作用,彰显艺术的思考传播功能,用笔画描绘疫情中了不起的逆行者,真挚地表达了自己的一份“抗疫”决心。请大家欣赏投票你最喜欢的“众志成城 共克时艰”抗击疫情艺术作品,本次投票活动截止至4月24日(本周日)晚。
In our own way, Hongwen students are doing their part by communicating and raising spirits by harnessing the beauty and power of art. Please enjoy and vote for your favorite artwork from the series “Unite as a City to Overcome Difficulties”. Take care of one another. Thank you for your love and support. Safe and healthy! The voting ends on April 24(Sun.).