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上海宏润博源学校英语演讲比赛||星光熠熠的演讲者SHBS English Speaking Contest for Rising Stars
On the afternoon of Jan. 4th , all eyes were focused on the stage in the school auditorium,where the English speech contest for the first semester of 2020-2021 academic year was being held, with Nicole Jin and Eric Hu being the hosts. Today, all candidates who were selected and stood on the stage for the final competition were winners.
本届演讲的主题是“收获”。基础英语组的刘晗旭同学第一个上台,有些紧张,讲述了他自己的观察和思考:时间和精力花在哪里,就会收获相应的果实。基础英语组的俞尚廷同学演讲非常生动,分享了七岁的时候自以为很擅长跳远,却在比赛中倒数第一的故事。这次失败让他害怕尝试。不过,之后读了Chris Gardener的《当幸福来敲门》又重拾了勇气,不断地抓住机会战胜内心害怕失败的七岁小男孩,不断地变得更自信。以自己的故事,告诉我们不要害怕失败。
The topic for this speech contest was “harvest”. Jason Liu from the EF group was the first to give a speech on the stage, so he appeared a little nervous. He shared with us his observations and thoughts. In his opinion, as you sow, so shall you reap. Ting Yu, also from the EF group, vividly told us a story of himself as a 7-year-old boy who assumed that he was great at long-jump, but was defeated miserably by others and got the last place in a competition. Although that failure made him afraid of trying long-jump, The Pursuit of Happiness, a book written by Chris Gardener, refilled him with courage and made him become increasingly confident so that he seized every opportunity to conquer his inner fear of failure. Ting taught us a lesson--Do not fear failure --- by sharing with us his own story.
Raymond Dong gave a speech on making plans and taking action. He showed us a weekly schedule made up by a student from Tsinghua University. Full and heavy as it was, the student managed to complete everything on time. Beginning with this schedule, he talked about how he had changed since he made plans for himself.
Wendy Wang delivered a speech entitled “Life Is Just Like A Box of Chocolate”. She told the audience that when she couldn’t go back to the States to continue her studies due to the covid-19 pandemic, SHBS offered her timely help and a different experience. “Life is like a box of chocolate,and you never know what the next tastes like. Don’t give up. Maybe the next one is the best.”
During his speech, Thomas Qi told us that the biggest harvest he has reaped in the past year was courage. He succeeded in losing 15kg of weight by joining the school Double Excellence Rowing program and keeping training himself. Besides, he also came to realize that there was still a lot for him to do to improve his English,and he needed to further accumulate his knowledge on aerospace vehicle.
Hannah Cheng also told us a story that she planted a dandelion together with her mum. Hoping that the dandelion would germinate as soon as possible,she watered the plant too frequently,only to make it die in the end. She learned a lesson from the story that either too much or too little dedication won’t help us achieve a goal, and we need to understand when to hold on and when to pause in our life.
顾政同学从早期共产主义在欧洲兴起说起,以丰富的案例来阐述劳动者能享有现在的工作时间制度和福利,都是一代代无产阶级共同努力奋斗的结果。“起来,人们!” 他激昂的演讲赢得台下掌声雷鸣。
Murphy Gu began his speech with the early rise of communism in Europe, and explained to us with rich cases that thanks to the joint efforts of generations of working class, nowadays workers can enjoy the current working hours system and welfare. “Rise up, people!” His enthusiastic speech won thunderous applause from the audience.
Ethan Shen shared with us how he kept improving his TOEFL score by working hard on the test. At first, he only scored 33. However, his constant efforts produced a satisfactory result in the end, 111. By sharing with us his own experience, he taught us a lesson that difficult as something may seem, keep working hard, and you will reap a satisfactory harvest.
Last but not the least, Henry Huang shared with us his own experiences overseas: we should keep challenging ourselves; Don't be afraid of failures, which are also good opportunities for us to learn and grow.
After all the candidates finished their speeches, there was a Q&A session when all the candidates stood on the stage and were challenged by questions raised by the audience and the judges. The candidates were asked question after question, and all of them were eager to answer those undirected questions because this was the last chance to show themselves.
We believe that SHBS will foster more and more young speakers who are more confident and more inspiring.
上海宏润博源学校线下校园开放日1月31日(周日)13:30 开始接受预约报名参校,报名方式 在线客服预约 学生姓名 电话 稍后马上会有值班招生负责老师联系您。或者直接拔打 400-688-1101 进行预约!