宏润博源2020届毕业典礼|毕业生代表发言Speech by Graduate Representative
更新时间:2020-07-19 16:57:59 浏览量: 复制链接
宏润博源2020届毕业典礼|毕业生代表发言Speech by Graduate Representative:首先我想代表全体毕业生感谢这两年来学校和老师对我们的培养、支持和教导。宏润博源的价值观“尊严、荣誉、尊重、正直”在教学楼门口,十分醒目。即将离别,感慨万千,回首过往历历在目却又不知从何说起,就暂且从我感触最深的两个字“尊重”开始吧。
宏润博源2020届毕业典礼|毕业生代表发言Speech by Graduate Representative
Good morning, distinguished guests, dear teachers, and fellow classmates!
I am Jerry Pu, a graduate from the class of 2020. Today I am very honored to speak on behalf of our graduate students.
First of all, I would like to thank the school and teachers for their incredible work and continued support in the past two years. The core values of SHBS ("dignity, honor, respect, integrity”) are clearly written in front of the teaching building. Looking back at our achievements in the past two years, I feel it is difficult to make a start. So I would like to begin my speech with one particular value that impressed me the most: respect.
At our school, respect is mutual. Students are given the greatest trust and respect. Mobile phone management has become a problem for schools around the world, but our school has respected the students' rights of ownership in terms of their phones while setting reasonable limits on the time and location in which they can be used. In response, students honor their promise and use their phones for study. Moreover, a few weeks ago, due to the coronavirus outbreak, the AP exams were conducted at late night. The school allowed us to choose a flexible schedule, unlike many other schools. This took into consideration the reasonable demands of the students.
Secondly, the school fully supports students’ academic development. I am interested in languages, and wish to study Sanskrit. The school arranged Mr. Bonta, who is a PhD of linguistics, to teach me individually. Many other students have special talents in other subjects, for which the school arranged classes even though there might only be two or three students. This speaks volumes about the school’s emphasis on individual academic achievement.
Today, we are about to graduate, yet the core values of the school need to be passed on. We, as graduates, sincerely hope that all of the students will remember the tradition of our school while achieving self-fulfillment and self-actualization. At the same time, we promise that we will not let the school and our parents down. We will continue to aspire to excellence and realize our dreams abroad.
Finally, we the graduates would like to say thank you once again to the school, teachers and parents. We wish all of you the best, and hope that the students will have a successful academic year. Thank you.
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