宏润博源2020届毕业典礼|陈总校长讲话 ​Speech by General Principal Bowen Chen

更新时间:2020-07-19 16:48:29 浏览量: 复制链接

陈总校长讲话 Speech by General Principal Bowen Chen:我们学校相信:合适的就是最好,遵循教育规律办教育,`量身定制适合孩子们的课程,尊重孩子们的个性,真正把孩子们培养成对自己、家庭、社会有用的人,这些是教育的真正的“王道”,这些是教育真正的“商道”。


宏润博源2020届毕业典礼|陈总校长讲话 Speech by General Principal Bowen Chen








清楚地记得两年前的四月,一位孩子的爸爸来到还是工地的宏润博源学校。这位孩子曾在我们13年创办的学校读过一年,后转读非常著名的国际学校,学习成绩依然优秀:4个A+2个A,并获得创办人奖。后来妈妈在一次分享中说道:当时决定“回归”时,师资、团队都还没看到,但我们选择相信 ,选择相信Bowen和刘刘、Chris,相信你们带领下的学校依然是一个有温度的学校,一个能真正帮助孩子健康成长的学校。这份沉甸甸的相信,其实给了学校莫大的支持和激励,今天想来都那么温暖。这个孩子在两年里帮助学校成长,同时也使自已成为宏润博源校史上,第一位荣誉毕业生。














President Zheng Hongfang,

distinguished guests, parents,

Dear faculty members, students, and friends who are with us here today

Good morning!

We are here today to celebrate the graduation of our class of 2020!

The year 2020 has been destined to be eventful in the history of mankind. Covid-19 pandemic has brought out the best and the worst sides of human beings, filling us with joy, amazement, as well as horror. Our class of 2020 had worked hard for years to prepare for their college application. They have encountered one of the most competitive application season and have managed to get accepted by their dream universities. Yet, the sudden outbreak of Covid-19 has caused many western countries to close their universities, suspend their visa applications, or even ban the entrance of foreigners. In this situation, to study abroad or not is a question; how to do it and how to prepare for it is another question. 

Lots of confusion, and lots of thinking to be done.

In this situation, should our graduates still choose to believe in the power of  “believe”?

Dear graduates, you should still believe in the power of “believe”. To believe is to have faith. In fact, your success today all started with believe. 

I can still clearly remember two years ago in April, the father of a child came to visit our campus, which was still under construction. This child had studied for one year in the other school we established in 2013, and then transferred to a very famous international school in Shanghai. In that school, his academic performance remained excellent: with 4 As +, 2 As, and the school’s Founder’s award. Later his mom shared that: when we decided to "come back" to this school, we didn't see the faculty team yet, but we chose to believe in Principal Bowen, Liuliu, And Chris. We believed that a school under their leadership would be a school that is caring and can truly help children grow up healthily and confidently. Their trust and “believe” was so much support and encouragement for the school. I still feel touched by that. This child has helped greatly with the development of the school in the past two years and has grown to be the first Graduate of Highest Distinction in our school. 

Another parent of our graduates chose to believe in our integrity and experience and chose to believe us when we said "Give us two years, we can help your child become healthy and confident.” In the past two years, this parent has trusted and supported the school a lot, and the child has grown to be a person full of hope and confidence. Today, the child specially prepared a meaningful gift for the school and I saw the tears in the eyes of Principal Liuliu when she received the gift. This is the power of “believe”; this is the power of “believe” in the power of “believe”. This is to believe that true education must help a student to be a better person!

Dear graduates, you should believe in the power of believe. To believe is to have faith. The success of our school today also started with “believe”.

Our school believes that: the best education is the one that suits the student the most, that follows the fundamental patterns of education, that provides tailored courses for each student, and that helps a student realize his values to himself, his family, and the society. These are the true golden paths of education and its success. 

As a result of the practice of these "believe", school reputation and social influence are increasing. Now, the university has become "member unit of National Famous Project of STEAM Education" of Jiaotong University and "municipal demonstration Unit of Intelligent Robot Research and Experiment Base" of Jiaotong University. School treasure online education "Excellent Model" top 50, "smart campus" model school; In the "National selection of International Schools" by Parents, canteen food ranked first, teachers with high appearance ranked second, campus scenery ranked third, cultural atmosphere ranked seventh, and student activities ranked seventh; 2019IEIC International Education Innovation Conference public vote of my favorite international schools, won: the most beautiful school first, the most home-flavor dormitory first, the most attractive school food first; Won the title of "2019 Emerging International School" in the 2019 International School Development Conference; In the 2019 Annual ceremony of Tencent News International School, I was honored to win the award of "Popular President of China", and the school won the award of "Influential International School of Public Praise in China". Recently, it became the youngest school in the 2020 Hurun International School China Top 100 list. We are now not only the COLLEGE Board AP school, code 210948, but we are also the ACT testing center, where our students will be able to take the ACT test on campus and more easily demonstrate their academic abilities. The ACT is the same test as the SAT.

Dear graduates, you should believe in the power of “believe”. To believe is to have faith.

The bright side of human beings brought out by this Covid-19 crisis has touched us with hope, while the dark side has terrified us. You had worked hard for years towards the college application and finally have managed to be enrolled by your dream universities. Yet, in the current pandemic, where almost all universities are closed, visa application suspended, or even entry barred... Should you still choose to study abroad? If so, how? There seems to be lots of anger and doubt regarding this.

In such a situation, can we still choose to believe?

Should we still choose to have faith. 

Spread love where there is hatred, show forgiveness where there is hurt, hold confidence where there is doubt, see hope where there is despair, make light where there is darkness, create joy where there is sorrow!

Always believe in the goodness, the kindness, and honesty and have faith.

Finally, on behalf of all the teachers and elders, I would like to extend the best wishes to our graduates: in this season of followers blooming, our future journey takes us. Take care and Good luck! 

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