


2019年8月24日 独立写作题目:In areas where there are many restaurants, some people prefer to eat at restaurants frequently. Other people prefer to cook at home and rarely go to restaurants.Which do you prefer?




People may eat out frequently. Although this is a reasonable choice of dining and lifestyle among modern people, particularly among busy professionals, I prefer home-cooking and believe the multiple benefits of it.


Professional chefs cook better than home cooks. That is the obvious. Compared with home cooks, who are amateurs, cooking professionals have the knowledge and skills to prepare food in a delicate way. Restaurants are therefore inviting for the better taste. In addition, in restaurants, there are waiters serving diners, and at home, there may be no service at all. However, there are things more important than taste and service, and they are food safety, nutrition, cost, and the feel of home.


立论第一个段落:Cooking at home is for better food safety and healthful eating.

立论第一个段落:Cooking at home is cost-effective, and the ease of eating in the home environment is certainly desirable.



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At this point, I strongly suggest that people cook at home for safe and healthful eating, lower expenses, and the ease. Those benefits apparently outweigh the good taste chefs can achieve and the service restaurants can provide.

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