汇点说 | USACO美国信息学奥赛

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在上周的第三期汇点说中,我们很高兴地邀请到中国计算机学会认证NOI(National Olympiad in Informatics - 全国青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛)教练陈军老师来为汇点的同学和老师介绍USACO美国信息学奥赛这一赛事。陈军老师曾任职于IBM、SAP两家世界500强IT企业,现在全职从事NOIP、USACO等国内外中小学生编程竞赛培训。已培养了数百名学生在各类编程比赛中斩获重量级奖项。学生遍布Philips Exeter Academy、Philips Andover Academy等顶尖美国高中,及上外附中、复旦附中、深圳中学、深圳外国语、人大附中等国内重点中学。

We were glad to invite Mr. Chen Jun, a trainer from NOI, to introduce USACO to our students and teachers. Mr. Chen used to work for IBM and SAP, two world top 500 enterprises, and now he is working for NOIP, USACO training. He has already cultivated hundreds of students who had got senior prize from various IT contest. Most of his students were either from top America high schools, such as Philips Exeter Academy and Philips Andover Academy, or from famous Chinese high schools, such as Shanghai Foreign Language School, High School Affiliated to Fudan University, Shenzhen Middle School, Shenzhen Foreign Languages School and The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China.

USACO,全称USA Computing Olympiad,美国信息学奥林匹克竞赛。是中学生五大学科竞赛之一。USACO旨在为每年夏季举办的国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛(IOI)选拔美国队队员,本身极具权威性。每年全球主要国家均会派出国家代表队参加国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛(IOI)。

USACO (short for USA Computing Olympiad) is one of the five academic competitions for high school students. USACO aims to select the American national team players for the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) held every summer, which is really authoritative. Each year, major countries in the world will send their national teams to attend the IOI.


For students who got gold or platinum level in the USACO, it will greatly increase their competitiveness when they apply for science or engineering major in American Universities. The competition not only allows participants to quickly improve their academic background, but also benefits students for the rest of their lives.

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